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Other PR bibliographies


Amazon UK: Public Relations

Chartered Institute of Public Relations: Library catalogue (members only)

Colorado State University: PR Bibliography

David Phillips: The Public Relations Bibliography

David Phillips: PR evaluation bibliography

Northern Kentucky University: History and evolution of public relations

Ohio University: Journalism history: readings and resources

PR Place: Bibliography of PR books

PRSA: PR International Bibliography

The Museum of Public Relations: Reference Library


PR and communications journals


Business Communication Quarterly

European Journal of Communication

International Journal of Strategic Communication

Journal of Applied Communication Research

Journal of Communication Management

Journal of Public Affairs

Journal of Public Relations Research

Public Relations Review


Publishers with strong PR lists


Kogan Page: Public Relations

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: See Routledge below

McGraw-Hill: Public Relations

Pearson Education: Business; Marketing

Routledge: Business and Management; Media Studies

Sage Publications: Business & Management; Communication & Media Studies

Thomson Learning: Marketing; Management

Wiley: ManagementMarketing & Sales


PR sources


Bloglines PR blogs

Constantin Basturea: The New PR wiki

Center for Media and Democracy: SourceWatch wiki

Philip Young: Mediations wiki - Research resources for media ethics

Praxis: Praxis - The Public Relations Resource Centre




Google Book Search

Google Scholar - search for academic citations

Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit


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