
Stakeholder theory

Page history last edited by Richard Bailey 15 years, 2 months ago

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Carroll, A and Buchholtz, A (6th ed 2006) Business and Society: Ethics and Stakeholder Management, South-Western College Publishing Amazon UK


Freeman, R (1984) Strategic Management: A stakeholder approach, Pitman Amazon UK


Friedman, A and Miles, S (2006) Stakeholders: Theory and Practice, Oxford University Press Amazon UK


Post, J, Preston, L and Sachs, S (2002) Redefining the Corporation: Stakeholder Management and Organizational Wealth, Stanford University Press Amazon UK




Choo, G (2006) Audiences, stakeholders, publics in Tench and Yeomans (eds): Exploring Public Relations, FT Prentice Hall


Grunig, J (2005) Situational Theory of Publics in Encyclopedia of Public Relations, Sage


Grunig, J and Repper, F (1992) Strategic Management, Publics and Issues Grunig et al: Excellence in Public Relations and Communications Management, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates


Rawlins, B & Bowen, S (2005) Publics in Encyclopedia of Public Relations, Sage


Winn, M (2001) Building Stakeholder Theory with a Decision Modeling Methodology Business & Society, 40


Wolstenholme, S (2006) Campaigning organisations and pressure groups in Tench and Yeomans (eds): Exploring Public Relations, FT Prentice Hall




Clarkson, B (1995) ‘A stakeholder framework for analyzing and evaluating corporate social performance’, Academy of Management Review, 20 (1): 92-117


Clarkson, M (1994) A Risk Based Model of Stakeholder Theory in Proceedings of the Second Toronto Conference on Stakeholder Theory. Centre for Corporate Social Performance & Ethics, University of Toronto: 5


Gregory, A (2007) Involving Stakeholders in Developing Corporate brands: the Communications Dimension in Journal of Marketing Management 23 (1-2) pp59-73


Hallahan, K (2000) Inactive Publics: The Forgotten Publics in Public Relations Public Relations Review 26(4): 499-515 pdf


Mackey, S (2006) Misuse of the term 'stakeholder' in public relations PRism 4(1): 2006


Mitchell, R, Agle, B and Wood, D (1997) Towards a theory of stakeholder identification and salience: defining the principle of what and what really counts, Academy of Management Review, 22(4) 853-886


Rawlins, B (2006) Prioritizing Stakeholders for Public Relations, Institute for Public Relations free pdf file


External Links


The Clarity Concept David Phillips and Dr Jon White


The New Stakeholder Society, Richard Edelman (Huffington Post)


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