Twitter resources

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Joel Comm and Ken Burge (2009) Twitter Power: How to Dominate your Market One Tweet at a Time, Wiley Amazon UK

Shel Israel (2009) Twitterville: How Businesses Can Thrive in the new Global Neighborhoods, Portfolio Amazon UK 




CoTweet: professional Twitter client 

HootSuite: professional Twitter client

Seesmic: desktop Twitter client 

Thwhirl: desktop Twitter client for PC

Trendistic: see trends in Twitter

TweetpML: share groups of Twitter users

TweepSearch: search friends and followers

TweetDeck: desktop Twitter client

TweetEffect: which Twitter updates win followers?

TweetLevel: Twitter reputation measurement tool

TweetReach: How far did your tweet travel?

TweetScan: Search tool

TweetStats: graph your Twitter stats

Twibs: business directory

TwitPic: Photos on Twitter

TwitterCounter: Twitter stats

Twitter Facebook app: integrate Twitter and Facebook

Twitterholic: Find popular Twitterers





Listorious: Twitter lists

Twibs: business directory



External links

@adamloving (7 February 2010): The 5 things you need to know about Twitter

Mashable (2 November 2009): How to Use Twitter Lists

PR Squared blog (26 January 2010): Tweeting under false circumstances: social media ethical dilemmas

Social Media Examiner (3 February 2010): 8 Simple Steps to Growing a Quality Twitter Following 

Social Media Today (17 March 2009): 8 Excellent Tools to Extract Insights from Twitter Streams

John Haydon, Twitip (10 February 2010): 13 ways to get your blog posts retweeted


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