
MSc PR and New Media (2011)

Page history last edited by Richard Bailey 13 years, 3 months ago

Teaching content


  1. Theoretical perspectives on PR and social media
  2. Social media: channels, devices and tools
  3. Social media monitoring, metrics and tools 
  4. New paradigms for public relations and comms
  5. Political perspectives: PR, social media and democracy
  6. Developing a social media policy
  7. Developing a social media strategy 




Who are we (and what can we learn on the web)?



Richard Bailey 



Talking points


  • Dominic Burch, head of corporate comms, Asda: "Unless you understand social media, then you no longer understand public relations."





"Because of the interactive nature of the social media, of the digital media, it

makes it more possible than it was in the 60s or 70’s or 80’s or 90’s or even

2000 to have a two way balanced dialogue with publics."





  • CIPR presidential debate, November 2011


Rob Brown: 'Now the audiences and channels are much more fragmented' (2.55) 'PR needs to evolve with the media.'

Sue Wolstenholme: 'We should consider our own qualifications'. (6.00) 'We need qualified leaders'.

Lionel Zetter: 'Lobbying is in the spotlight'.


Can Huffington Post repeat its success in the UK?




What is the assignment?


Pick a real organisation of your choice (it may be your employer or a client, but need not be) and monitor the issues and conversations surrounding the organisation over a period of several weeks.


You are to present your analysis of the issues and conversations in a 3,000 word report – complete with recommendations on how the organisation can better manage its social media presence.


Deadline: Monday 16 January 2012 (by email to course administrator)



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